About Premium Quality Assurance

This site was created for companies to test a QA Engineers skillset before investing time and money into them. Many people can talk about how great they are, but the best way to prove a skill is to demonstrate it. QA is an acquired trade and only the most detailed and patient people will strive in this profession. Start your interviews with a simple skills test and have a better idea of your candidates abilities.

My Credentials

  • Eagle Scout
  • 4 Years of Computer Networking and Security (Marine Corps)
  • 4 Years of College earning a Computer Science Degree (CU Denver)
  • 8 Years of QA experience
  • 8 Years of creating Test Documentation
  • 4 Years of SQL Query knowledge
  • 1 Year of Selenium RC / Selenium IDE knowledge

About The Tests

The Trial Test (Free with registration):
The trial test is a quick display of what the tests may look like. It is a simulation of an employee content management system for a company. With the provided administrator credentials, you are able to login to the tool and view QA Engineers in the database. Since this is a Trial test, defects are listed on the pages and not all of them are listed at that. There are many defects that are not displayed to the user. This is not the case of Tests that are paid for. This simulation contains the following features:

  • Welcome page with copy text
  • A list of all employees
  • Help Page

Test #1 ($20.00 per test):
Test #1 (Fruit World CMS) is similar to the trial test but with much more functionality. Fruit World CMS is a simulation of a Fruit Sales database that allows for an admin to view, update, and search on fruit submitted by the public. This simulation will test the following areas:

  • Welcome page with copy text
  • A list of all fruit
  • Ability to modify any fruit
  • Field Validation testing
  • Search
  • SQL Query Testing (if setup as such)
  • Selenium IDE (with ability to convert to RC code)
Test #2 ($20.00 per test):
Test #2 (Cherry Cobbler Market) is a test that will test simple dependencies between features of a site. In this test you will buy inventory, bake, and sell Cherry Cobblers to various markets. The ares that will test your candidate are:

  • Dependency testing between ingrediants for a Cherry Cobbler
  • Form field validation testing
  • History of transactions testing
  • SQL Query Testing (if setup as such)
  • Selenium IDE (with ability to convert to RC code)
Future Tests:
Future tests will be added to include many more common functionality and dependency type testing. Any and all suggestions for future tests are welcomed and will be implemented.

    Registration is free and comes with a free trial test. Click HERE to register.